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The 21st Century’s simplest - and most effective - marketing hack is to…be you

Stamp out imposter syndrome

Create engaging posts

Attract new people, opportunity and wealth

Learn my unconventional Personal Marketing System and find your voice - with zero risk of being cringe!

I’m Dan Kirby

I went to art school.

Then dropped out to become a business man.

A successful artist-entrepreneur for 23 years.

I built - and exited - a 7-figure brand agency. I then built - and exited - a 7-figure tech agency.

Won international awards.

Spoke at international conferences.

All that shit.

What was my biggest success?

For over two decades I have been completely creatively free. To pursue what is in my heart and soul. My spirit said “fuck it” and then I did it.

This has been joyful. And sometimes painful.

But I have lived life on my own terms.

Without apology.

Living this way I have experienced sometimes unbelievable opportunity, unleashing potential I did not know that I had within me:

Starred in comedy movie pilot

Spoke at Cannes Lions Innovation, SXSW, Eurobest

Top 2.5% global podcaster

Partnership with New York investment bank

Launched 24 hour not for profit mental health festival in London

Executive producer of a movie

Did 6 marathons in 7 days in the Sahara

Just by…being me.

In all it’s technicolor weird glory.

Expanding the definition of what’s “normal”.

Even acceptable.

Sending MY signal.

I discovered that - in a world of corporate drones, politically correct polite posts - everyone being on their best behaviour (in case they are judged by their clients or team) the weirdo wins

By standing out.

You find your tribe.

(you aren’t “weird” btw - you are just a normal creative and interesting human being)

Standing out = out standing

How do you compete against Ai? And a sea of cringe posts on LinkedIn and other social platforms?

Be yourself.

I will teach you how to build a Personal Marketing System to achieve this - sign up today.

“We’re actually kind of cosmic twins

Dan Sullivan - my friend and mentor - on my podcast Honey I Blew Up The Business. Dan is the founder of the leading entrepreneurial coaching company in the world. Over the past 40+ years he has provided coached more than 30,000 entrepreneurs